Monday, February 14, 2011


"We're not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us. We are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be." C.S. Lewis

In my own peon words last March when the school budget cuts were the talk of all non-tenured teachers, "I know God will do what's best for me. I'm just not sure if it's Pizza Hut's pan pizza best or spinach and collard greens best."

That's a big difference. Quite frankly, I don't normally like what's best for me. I love dessert. I often order soup at restaurants because I truly do love Covey's Habit of beginning with the end in mind. My exercise is hurrying to the van to take my children from one place to another. My stable as my daughters- aged 12 and 14. So much for 'good for me things.'

I want what I call best. At least I think I do...unless it has devastating consequences, things I could never have foreseen, things that would splinter everything that means most to be.

That's scary ground. I think I'll just tiptoe back to the high road thank you.

Yet, the good for me God is sometimes scary, too. "...We are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be."

Maybe "good for me" anything leaves me wrinkling my nose like a whiff of eggs in the hard boiling process. Maybe I should drop the word 'good' and simply go with 'the for you God.' That sounds alot better. Anything 'for me' sounds pretty good.

And that is precisely my God. He is for me! He is for you! He sent His son to take your bullet. He sent His son to take mine. That's love. Radical, Ridiculous, Insane!

So what choice to do I have? Trust my finite, limited, view of my life or give it to the all-knowing, all-powerful, fully loving, fully for me God?

In the words of my daughters..."Du-uh."

1 comment:

  1. An excellent post! And something I struggle with regularly. C.S. Lewis' quote pens my thoughts and struggles perfectly. And your explanation nails it well. It is difficult to choose the best, the good when I know I am walking into a minefield. I am there right now with my back issues, so thanks for this post. God is for me!
