Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Kind of Person He is

We had an amazing week in Branson with my mom, dad and sisters the other week.  Yes, we were in Branson because 'The Studebaker Meet' was in nearby Springfield.  For those of you that don't know, my dad loves those old cars.  Growing up we always had our annual summer trip to wherever the National Studebaker Meet was.  We've been to Seattle, Boston, South Bend, Lancaster, Grand Rapids...everywhere!

So what a treat to get a 'blast from the past' and have my children get to enjoy 'The Studebaker Meet.'  In typical Hackenberger fashion, my family (who all lives in Ohio) drove up together in my dad's bus. 

On Thursday we headed to 'The Studebaker Meet.'  It was noon when we got there and we were all starved.  Not many of the food stands were open, but we did notice a Chinese stand.  My girls and I quickly ordered our favorites, while my sister, Eve, and her kids decided what they wanted.  As we waited for our food, the lady took their order. 

As our food came out, Eve said, "Go ahead and eat.  Don't wait for us.  Your food will get cold."

Meredith stood there, holding her orange chicken and bottle of Pepsi.  "We'll wait.  That's the kind of people we are."

I looked at Meredith, thinking, "What?  Speak for yourself.  I'm starving.  This place is slow!  Our food will get cold!"

Fortunately, Eve repeated.  "Go eat!  We'll join you in a minute."

I didn't argue.  She's my older sister.

As we walked to find seating inside the swap meat, with air conditioning, I thought of Mer's words..."That's the kind of people we are."  

It sounded so- so not like us.

A few days have past.  We're back home.  I'm enjoying the summer.  I am loving getting to walk every morning!  My favorite part is that I'm all by myself and I can just pray away for the 40-60 minutes.

For some reason, this week particularly I'm noticing the difference.

No, not the difference in my weight.  Let's not talk about that.  (O.k. lets!  Yesterday I ate a grapefruit and oatmeal for a snack, at two different times, and this morning I gained 1/2 a pound.  Anyone who eats a grapefruit and oatmeal should be LOSING weight.)

Back to 'the difference.'  Actually the difference is even better than a weight loss, it is the prayer difference.  This week Matt's been in Ohio working for my dad.  Daily I have prayed for him.  Sometimes going back to where you used to live can be disappointing.  Friends move on or aren't there.  The feeling of it not being the same can leave you feeling displaced.  I prayed for God's leading and that he'd have a great time!

Thursday night he called. 

"It's great being here," he said.  "I can tell that God is bumping me into people."  He went on to tell me of a friend's dad he saw while jogging.  "He even hugged me when I was sweaty," he said.  "He invited me over for supper and I got to catch up with the whole family."

From 'precious-beyond-words' neighbors, to friends and family, Matt's having a great time!


Not a chance!  That's just the kind of 'person' God is.

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