Sunday, November 20, 2011

How Cool Is That?

On Friday, Madison and I were running errands.  As we were singing along with the Christian Station, WGCA, I stopped. 

Glancing at Madison, I said, "It stinks they haven't played 'The Great Awakening' in awhile.  I love that song!"

As we pulled into our driveway, the next song began. 

My ears perked up.  My eyes bulged. 

"Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh - Oh O.  Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh -Oh O.  Oh, O, Oh, O!  Oh, O, Oh, O, Oh, O!"

I gasped, 'The Great Awakening!'

"Can you believe it?" I said incredulously to Madison.

Madison just shook her head. 

"Aren't you amazed?" I prodded.  Wondering why Madison was acting strangely.

Madison shook her head.  "Mo-mom, when that last song was on, I prayed the D.J. would put 'The Great Awakening' on."

"He-He did..."  Madison was beaming.

My thoughts were racing.

Madison prayed about that?!  Madison did that!  Something so small?  Something so unselfish- Something just for me.  God answered!  God did that!  Something so small?  Something just for me...and her!  How antsy with anticipation He must've been as each measure in the former song played on.  How antsy to know that in just a few beats we'd hear His "YES"

...and be stunned.

He cared to answer!

He delighted in answering!

He delighted- in us!

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